Preventive and Case Management Services
Home and Community Based Treatment and SupportCayuga Centers’ preventive programs provide services for at-risk youth and families. These interventions often avoid an imminent removal of children and youth from their households and preserves families through strengths-based approaches.

Family Preservation
A short-term intervention program for families with children ages 0-17 who are at imminent risk of being placed in out-of-home care. This program helps prevent abuse and neglect and keeps children safe in their homes.

Family Support
A longer-term program designed to work with families with children at risk of foster care placement or in need of an intensive program. It is a 4-6 month program with 1-2 clinician meetings per week.

Health Home Care Management
Helps families manage the health and well-being of children and youth aged 0-21 who are enrolled in Medicaid. The program promotes the health of children and families while reducing emergency interventions, truancy, and hospital care. This program is designed to ensure that children receive the care they need to be healthy and happy, and families can feel confident in managing their child’s health.

By assessing and screening infants and toddlers early on, the program helps identify any potential issues and intervenes promptly. This evidence-based program is recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Child Trends. Its goal is to promote healthy development and nurturing parenting, and to strengthen the bond between parents and their children. The HealthySteps approach involves the entire care team working together to provide support and guidance to families, so they can foster a strong attachment with their children.

Parent Partner
Designed to assist families going through difficult times. Using a strength-based, trauma-informed approach, we help families navigate crises and deal with various systems of care. Our Parent Partners are experienced individuals who use their own life experiences to support and mentor families facing similar challenges.

IGNITE Youth Alliance
A mentoring program in partnership with more than 30 other community partner agencies, providing services and opportunities for youth involved in or at high risk for being involved in gangs, high-risk street activities, and community violence. Our strategies include intervention, prevention, and mental health activities to address violence in St. Lucie County.

Targeted Case Management
Seeks to create a community and a team who are open to talking about and supporting mental health. TCM offers a family-driven, youth-guided, and culturally competent system of care for youth with emotional needs and their families. Our TCM services connect and support youth and their families with community-based services and other valuable resources.

Diversion Services
Cayuga Centers provides two Diversion Services to help prevent youth from escalating through the juvenile justice system: Restorative Case Management (RCM) and Diversion Case Management (DCM). Youth participate in evidence-based practices such as intensive case management and motivational interviewing (MI) in order to implement long-term behavioral change. These programs serve as an alternative to residential placement, provide 24/7 support to youth and families, and work with them to develop individualized plans that meet their social, emotional behavioral, environmental, and safety needs. They also collaborate with schools, family courts, and community-based programs to address areas of concern.