Diversion Services
Talk to an expertServing Upstate, NY: Albany and Cayuga Counties
Diversion Services
Cayuga Centers provides two Diversion Services to help prevent youth from escalating through the juvenile justice system: Restorative Case Management (RCM) and Diversion Case Management (DCM). Youth participate in evidence-based practices such as intensive case management and motivational interviewing (MI) in order to implement long-term behavioral change. These programs serve as an alternative to residential placement, provide 24/7 support to youth and families, and work with them to develop individualized plans that meet their social, emotional behavioral, environmental, and safety needs. They also collaborate with schools, family courts, and community-based programs to address areas of concern.
Program Services
→ Ranging in intensity depending on risk level from biweekly to multiple meetings on a weekly basis
→ Motivational Interviewing: An evidence-based approach to help youth draw on their strengths to make changes in their lives.
→ 24/7 on-call crisis response and intervention (Depending on county)
→ Building upon family and community connections
→ RCM runs for 6 months and is extended based on need
→ DCM runs for 3 months and can be extended to 5 months
Who is Restorative Case Management (RCM) for?
Supervision: For youth that have received a charge and are heading to court.
Non-supervision: For youth at risk, but no behavior has led to a charge or risk of removal
For Madison County: Currently only providing services for those in the “Non-supervision” category
For Cayuga County: Youth can be referred by anyone through Cayuga County FAST
Who is Diversion Case Management (DCM) for?
→ Youth who received a charge, but after an assessment was determined they did not need to be seen by a judge and charges were dropped
In Madison County: The Office of Children and Family Services must approve the referral
In Cayuga County: Youth must be referred by probation
Goals of RCM & DCM
→ Put youth and family choices first
→ Improved communication and relationship-building skills
→ Increased ability to resolve conflicts, manage emotions, solve problems, and manage stress
→ Improved school attendance
→ Reduced running away and physical aggression
→ Increased compliance with court-ordered services
→ Increase prosocial activities and increase behaviors utilizing a strength-based approach
→ Development of age-appropriate independence and self-advocacy skills (job-seeking and household management skills)
→ Reducing risk level to improve successful independence at home and in the community

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