Respite Services
The goal of Respite is to help families stabilize so that they can begin problem-solving, develop behavior management
strategies and identify additional family supports. Cayuga Centers provides respite for both foster families and caregivers of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Foster Home-Based Respite
A safe foster home bed can accommodate one adolescent or child that needs respite for a short period of time.

Youth and Family Resource Center
Serves youth from Cayuga and Onondaga Counties, providing short-term stays for youth to give stabilization and respite for youth and families. Staff members work with youth to gain social and life skills and families are connected to community-based providers.

Respite Programs for People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities
In both weekday and weekend respite, participants are provided with peer interactions, skills development, and community outings in safe, engaged group settings. Respite programs help to provide parents and caregivers a needed break.