Treatment Family Foster Care

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Serving Youth and Families in:

Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida, Monroe, Genesee, Erie, Wyoming, Livingston, Orleans, Niagara, Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, or Schenectady Counties and New York City

Allegheny County

Palm Beach, Broward, St.Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee, and Martin Counties

Kent and New Castle Counties

Treatment Family Foster Care (TFFC)

Treatment Family Foster Care (TFFC) is a research-informed, multi-tiered team approach to rebuilding family relationships. We work with children and teens who need high levels of support due to trauma they have experienced in their homes or communities. Each youth is carefully matched to foster parents and a treatment plan specific to the needs of the youth is developed. Our foster parents are provided enhanced trauma-informed training, and wraparound services to ensure the placement is secure until permanency is achieved.

Youth in Our Care

Youth in our foster care programs range from 0-21 but are often tweens and teens who have experienced high levels of trauma and separation from their families.

Treatment Team

Foster Parents are part of a treatment team that provides support for both the foster parents and youth in foster care. This team assists the youth with case planning, provides therapy services, and helps them build skills to set them up for success in their communities.

Supports for foster parents

  • 24/7 support for foster parents.
  • Assistance with organizing childcare and after-school services.
  • Foster parent support group twice monthly
  • Monthly tax-free stipends

 Supports for youth in foster care

  • Youth receive weekly trauma-based therapy and family therapy focused on permanency and healing
  • Case planning services
  • Coaching, mentoring, and support services including life skills and job-seeking skills
Explore Services

Meet our
Foster Parents

Cayuga Centers Celebrates over 20 years of providing Treatment Family Foster Care

Cayuga Centers proudly recognizes 20 years of continued success as a provider of treatment foster care through each of its Treatment Family Foster Care (TFFC) programs. Since its start in Auburn, NY, the agency has expanded across 26 counties in Upstate New York, in South Florida, and throughout New York City, Pennsylvania, and the State of Delaware. In collaboration with children, youth, families, foster parents and community stakeholders, Cayuga Centers has successfully established and serves more than 350 TFFC placements nationally.


Become a Treatment Foster Parent

New York City

Pittsburgh – pennsylvania

Western Region – NEW YORK

upstate New York

Mohawk Valley – NEW YORK

Capital Region – NEW YORK

Central and South Florida


Interested in Kinship Foster Care?

Kinship care is a form of foster care that emphasizes keeping children and youth close to their families. Kinship caregivers include relatives, such as aunts, uncles, grandparents, siblings, extended family, or fictive kin (those known to the family). Kinship care has become an important alternative to out-of-home care. Kinship placements limit disruputions, maintain family connections and cultural traditions, and minimize the trauma of separation

Meet our Cayuga Centers Foster Parents

Our resilient and committed foster parents are the backbone of Cayuga Centers. Every day they open their hearts to youth from all walks of life, making a permanent impact on their future. In partnership with our team, we are able to provide the active treatment needed to establish care and work toward unification.

Talk to your local TFFC expert 

Send our team an email to learn more, and download our informational flyers.