A Note of Gratitude to our Foster Parents

May 31, 2021

Dear Foster Parent:

Thank you for being a Cayuga Centers foster parent. By doing this, you have helped a young person heal and find their future. This is an incredible thing to do. THANK YOU.  

As you might know, May is National Foster Care Month and I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out and express gratitude for the love, dedication and support you have provided. I have always said that our foster parents are among the most incredible people I have ever met – I am reminded of that again and again.

This year has been like no other. With the COVID-19 crisis came a lot of unexpected changes – schools were close, we were all staying home, hugging and seeing our loved ones became a health risk, and face-to-face interactions were limited. But despite all of the changes, you were present for our foster youth and you continue to show up for them – that is something I could never take for granted. 

Foster Parent Appreciation Day, celebrated on May 31st, might be just one day but I’m grateful everyday for what you do and I admire your commitment to making the lives of vulnerable children better despite the circumstances. Your consistent love and care for our youth is the reason why the work we do as an agency is possible. Your dedication serves as inspiration to me, the board, and the staff at Cayuga Centers. 

Today I want to remind you that our number one commitment is giving you the highest possible level of support because you deserve it and because what you do requires it. We have gotten through the worst part of this challenging time together. Let that be a testament that as long as we’re working together we can survive anything.  

Once again, thank you for making a difference in children’s lives. 

Edward Myers Hayes, President and CEO



Media Contact: Jasmine Lawrence, Media & Community Specialist
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