Transitional Foster Care
Talk to an expertNew York City, NY
Thousands of displaced children enter the United States each year, traveling thousands of miles without a parent or guardian. They are fleeing extreme poverty, violence, drug-related gang activity, sexual exploitation, and trafficking. Upon arrival, they are detained and, according to immigration law, must be placed with a federally funded agency that will provide short-term care while they transition to placement with family or other sponsors. Cayuga Centers offers transitional and long-term foster care, home study, and post release services to this population.
The foster placement is just the beginning of their transition. Cayuga Centers uses a multi-tiered team approach to address the needs of these children during their short stay in transitional foster care. The bilingual team includes Case Managers overseeing all aspects of the youth’s treatment and unification plans, clinicians, medical staff, education staff, skills trainers, and aides.
Our Program
→ We specialize in tender ages (children under 5) and care for underage moms and their babies
→ Within the first 24 hours, all children receive a medical screening. If needed, a plan is developed to address health issues, including visits to specialists or other medical courses of action
→ All children receive a mental health assessment. This is a unique population that has been exposed to trauma such as poverty, sexual abuse, human trafficking, gang violence, and domestic violence.
→ Using trauma based therapy from the TST model, children attend weekly individual and group therapy sessions, and group community meetings that encourage discussion
→ All children receive an educational assessment to best match the level of education to the child’s age, and education plans are developed. The plans include traditional subject study and educational and recreational field trips
→ Children attend the agency-operated Learning Centers and receive 6 hours of instruction every weekday
→ Children meet with a skills trainer to become acclimated to American culture and learn basic life skills
→ Children are released to sponsors (parent, family, friend, or guardian) as soon as all sponsor qualifications are met
Foster Parents and a Place to Call Home
Cayuga Centers offers the least restrictive form of placement to this special population. Our youth are matched to bilingual foster parents who are familiar with the language and culture of their foster child. These youth are placed in homes rather than a congregate facility, and children from the same family can stay together in a supportive and safe home. Foster parents are trained to work with these youth and to support the treatment team in meeting the youth’s needs. What they offer immediately is a safe haven after a very long journey.

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