Statement Regarding Suspending Facebook Advertising

Jun 29, 2020

Cayuga Centers believes everyone has the right to live in a safe, fair, and just society. In response to the murder of George Floyd and so many other black Americans by police, we have strived to take concrete actions rather than mere words or gestures.

The majority of the work we do is providing foster care. On-going foster parent recruitment is a must for us.  And Facebook has been an asset to us as we recruit potential foster parents for our foster care programs in New York City, in Central New York, in the State of Delaware, and in Palm Beach and Broward Counties in South Florida.  

Despite this need and the benefits we receive from advertising on Facebook for foster parent recruitment, we share the concern of so many and condemn the failure of Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook colleagues to end the hate speech circulating on his platform.

We join the many businesses who are suspending their Facebook advertising until Facebook stands up and stops providing a platform for those who spread hate. Effective today, we have halted our foster parent recruitment spending on this network and will not advertise until Facebook says: hate has no place here

In addition, we have also suspended posting on our many Facebook pages. Each of those pages will instead ask Facebook to stand up against hate.

As an agency that relies heavily on the recruitment of foster parents for the children that we serve, we hope that you will continue to stand with us to #StopHateForProfit and help us meet our recruitment needs. Please reach out to those whom you know would make great foster parents. Just remember our simple question as we choose foster parents: would I want them fostering my child? As we use this measure, we get great foster parents.





Media Contact: Jasmine Lawrence, Media & Community Specialist
For the Press: Download our media kit
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Providing resources and support for your foster parent journey.

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