Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

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Serving Albany County in Upstate NY

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based, specialized behavior management program designed for young children and their families who are experiencing behavioral and/or emotional difficulties. PCIT teaches caregivers to manage their child’s difficult behaviors, while increasing their positive behaviors. PCIT works with the child and caregiver together to improve behavior and reduce parenting stress.

PCIT involves weekly 60-minute in-person therapy sessions over two treatment phases, typically lasting 12-16 weeks. Parents are encouraged to have special playtime with their child five times a week and complete a sheet detailing these sessions.

Therapists will work together with families to support caregivers and children in learning new ways of interacting. While caregivers play with their children, therapists coach parents in real time to build new skills, reduce child problem behaviors, and strengthen caregiver-child relationships.

Phases of PCIT

Phase 1: Child-Directed Interaction (CDI)
Caregivers are taught the PRIDE skills: Praise, Reflect, Imitate, Describe and Enjoyment. These skills promote positive child behaviors.

Phase 2: Parent-Directed Interaction (PDI)
Caregivers learn to use effective commands and discipline procedures. The PCIT therapist helps caregivers manage their child’s behaviors in many settings.

Who is PCIT for?

Children ages 2 1⁄2 to 6 1⁄2 who display any or all of the following:
  Parent-child relational problems
  Refusal and defiance of adult requests
  Easy loss of temper
  Purposeful annoyance of others
  Destruction of property
  Difficulty staying seated
  Difficulty playing quietly
  Difficulty taking turns

Who are appropriate caregivers for PCIT?

Skills are acquired rapidly by caregivers, as they practice in the moment with therapist support. A variety of caregivers can participate in PCIT services. This includes:
  Biological parents
  Foster parents
  Adoptive parents
  Legal guardian
  Kinship caregivers

To receive the services of this program, families need to have Medicaid.

Referrals to PCIT

Referrals can come from schools, agencies, or any location within the counties providing PCIT.

Talk to your local PCIT expert 

Send our team an email to make a referral, learn more, and download our informational flyers!