Treatment Family Foster Care
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Interested in Kinship Foster Care?
Kinship care is a form of foster care that emphasizes keeping children and youth close to their families. Kinship caregivers include relatives, such as aunts, uncles, grandparents, siblings, extended family, or fictive kin (those known to the family). Kinship care has become an important alternative to out-of-home care. Kinship placements limit disruputions, maintain family connections and cultural traditions, and minimize the trauma of separation
Meet our Cayuga Centers Foster Parents
Our resilient and committed foster parents are the backbone of Cayuga Centers. Every day they open their hearts to youth from all walks of life, making a permanent impact on their future. In partnership with our team, we are able to provide the active treatment needed to establish care and work toward unification.
Teens in foster care: A crisis that can be helped with love
Many foster parents want to foster small children, but the need for older kids is far greater. Here’s why you should open your home to a teen.
Single dads are rare in foster care. Kwame makes it work.
Parents go it alone for their kids all the time, but single foster dads are uncommon. This doesn’t have to be the case.
Fictive kin to foster kin: Jen & Jay’s story
A fictive kin placement united Jen with her daughter. She decided she wanted to do more.
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