Outpatient Counseling

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Serving Delaware’s Kent and New Castle counties

Outpatient Counseling

Outpatient Counseling is a service where a trained therapist meets with the child, siblings and parents/caregivers to address a wide variety of life situations issues (such as behavior problems, relational conflicts, mood issues, traumatic events, grief and loss, family conflicts, communication issues, depression, anxiety, etc.) in a safe, supportive and non-judgmental environment. Sessions are conducted in the office setting.

→   Serving Ages 0-18

Mobile Outpatient Counseling

Mobile Outpatient Counseling is a more intensive service, targeted for youth who have been unsuccessful in the traditional outpatient setting. This service provides additional hours of service per week. Services may take place in the home and community setting.

→   Serving Ages 0-18

Talk to your Outpatient Counseling expert 

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