From scarcity to security: Food trauma in foster care

Jul 29, 2024

girl holding fork with broccoli

For many families, gathering around the dinner table is the heart of celebrations and cherished traditions. Food is more than sustenance; it fosters positive connections and symbolizes security and love.

Unfortunately, for youth in foster care, food often represents something entirely different. It can be a significant source of anxiety, fear, and even trauma. The challenges many of these children face during mealtimes are profound and deeply rooted in their experiences of trauma and insecurity.

The role of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) with food

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are defined as moments of trauma a child experiences. This trauma includes the main four categories of abuse including physical, emotional, sexual abuse, and neglect. It can also stem from household dysfunction such as divorce, mental illness, domestic violence, parental substance abuse, or incarceration. In some instances, children experience a combination.  

These experiences can lead to long-term trauma with a negative impact on a child’s development and overall well-being, influencing their physical and mental health well into adulthood.

Food-related adverse childhood experiences can include a parent withholding meals as punishment, forcing a child to eat when they are not hungry, making them consume things they dislike, or forcing them to hold the meal in their mouth without swallowing. For children experiencing this type of neglect or abuse, mealtime can become a source of significant stress or a means of seeking comfort.

In some cases, the uncertainty of when or if they will eat again contributes to eating-related trauma. This is especially true for children whose families struggle to afford groceries or not having enough food. 

Over time, these experiences can lead to various eating disorders, making it difficult for youth in foster care to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Types of disordered eating in children and youth in foster care

Trauma can manifest in several ways, affecting each youth differently.

Food maintenance syndrome

This syndrome relates to food insecurity. It often causes behaviors like hoarding food, eating quickly, overeating whenever possible, or eating in secret to avoid drawing attention. This behavior is driven by the fear of not having enough food in the future.

Binge eating disorder

Some children may consume large amounts of food in a short period to compensate for past food deprivation and the feeling of not having enough to eat. Individuals who binge often feel they cannot control what or how much they eat. Binge eaters may avoid eating altogether to compensate for their overeating. 

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)

Trauma-related anxiety causes some children to avoid eating certain items or avoid eating altogether. This type of disorder at first glance might look like picky eating, but the child’s pickiness stems from much deeper issues. The long-term effects of this behavior can lead to an increased risk of nutritional deficiencies, weight loss, or failure to achieve expected weight gain and growth. 

ARFID symptoms in a child play a role in their selectivity but can also appear as a fear of trying new things. ARFID in teens can persist into adulthood, causing significant challenges as adults navigate their food choices and nutritional needs.

Other Disorders

Youth in foster care may also have disorders like anorexia or bulimia. These are less common eating disorders related to this type of trauma, but when they do present, it is often associated with a need for control.

It’s important to note, these issues can also affect infants, often called Post Traumatic Eating Disorder

Identifying the signs

Recognizing this kind of trauma in youth is crucial for providing the necessary support. Here are some signs to look out for.

Behavioral signs

  • Eating very quickly (also called gobbling)
  • Overeating
  • Lack of appetite
  • Extreme pickiness
  • Wanting to eat alone
  • Food hoarding (where a child or teenager hides food in their rooms or in odd places)
  • Showing anger and distress when food is unavailable
  • Sneaking food or engaging in sneak eating
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder eating habits (having to eat in a specific order or other food rituals)

Emotional signs

  • Fear of mealtimes (anxiety about eating in front of others)
  • Crying, shouting, outbursts, or displaying significant distress related to eating
  • Anxiety about food or any food-related anxiety

Physical signs

  • Noticeable weight fluctuations
  • Frequent gastrointestinal issues
  • Malnutrition despite adequate food availability

Addressing food trauma with youth in foster care 

Helping children heal from this type of trauma and develop coping mechanisms involves providing a safe and supportive environment. Each child’s journey to healing will be unique. Here are some strategies to consider.

Create a feeling of safety 

Make sure your child knows they have access to a wide variety of nutritious foods at all times. Create a calm environment for meal times without the distractions of TV and devices. Encourage positive mealtime talks. 

Provide a snack drawer or space in the fridge where a child can take food at any time.  For more ideas, check out “The ultimate guide to create a warm and welcoming foster home.”

Create consistency through routines

Establish regular meal times to provide a sense of stability and predictability. Enlist your child to decide on each night’s menu to give them a sense of control.

Seek professional help 

Seek therapy from mental health professionals and dietitians who specialize in trauma and eating disorders. Ask your Cayuga Centers support team for help as you develop your treatment plan. 

You might consider reaching out to eating recovery centers or an eating disorder treatment facility for specialized care. 

Create positive associations with food

Involve children in grocery shopping and preparation to give them a sense of involvement and a feeling of security. Make meal times fun and engaging. Model good behavior by trying new things with a sense of enjoyment. 

Join your child on their food education journey and show them how to build a colorful and healthy plate of food. 

Taking them to donate food to a local food pantry or church with food pantry can make them feel good and help them know there are free food resources available. 


Avoid pressuring them to eat. Instead, create a relaxed and positive eating time. Introduce new foods often but don’t force a child to try them. They may still be struggling with textures or tastes from negative experiences in the past. 

Vitamins and supplements

Talk with your child’s pediatrician to see if vitamins and supplements are necessary. This can help ensure your child receives everything they need for optimal growth and development if they are struggling to eat. 

Food trauma is a significant, misunderstood, and often overlooked issue for youth in foster care. Foster parents can help children heal by learning about ACEs and recognizing signs of food-related disorders. 

The journey from scarcity to security can be challenging, but with patience, consistency, and support, children and youth in foster care can develop a healthy and positive relationship with food that will last into adulthood.

Foster Parenting with Cayuga Centers

You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect foster parent. Your unique background, knowledge, and skills might be exactly what a child needs. All you really need is an open heart and mind, and the willingness to give a short or longer-term home to a child who deserves a better future. Right now, there is a high number of children and youth who need a stable home in order to lead a healthy life.

Seeking diverse homes in Upstate New York, New York City, Pittsburgh, Delaware, and South Florida.

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