Back to school tips for foster parents

Jun 28, 2024

By Allyssa DelPiano, Marketing Specialist at Cayuga Centers

Take the stress and fear out of back-to-school prep for you and your child.

Starting a new school year can be both exciting and overwhelming. As a foster parent, you play a vital role in ensuring your child feels supported and prepared for school, especially if they are transitioning to a new school environment. 

Children in foster care who had difficult experiences at home often have trouble in school. This can be because of anxiety, behavior problems, learning difficulties, or a combination of these issues. Identifying potential challenges early on and having a plan in place is important.

Work with your Cayuga Centers team (or your agency) to understand your rights to help your foster youth navigate the school year. There are laws in place to help children succeed in school including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Here are some practical tips and tools to prepare for the new school year, save money and time, reduce stress, and set your child and family up for success.

Schedule a visit with the school before instruction begins 

Meet with their guidance counselor and discuss their schedule. Work with your child’s counselor to make sure their schedule is best for them. Having a study hall every day allows more time for homework and studying for tests.

Talk to your caseworker to determine how involved you can be in your foster child’s educational plans. These rights vary by state. At the minimum, talk to the guidance counselor about what support is available at school, including tutoring. Discuss their past educational performance and disciplinary needs.

Does your student have learning or thinking differences? Do they require special education or an aide? Does your student need an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)? If so, make sure to build their schedule accordingly.

If your child is attending a new school, have them “walk their schedule”,  from class to class to learn the school’s layout. Make sure they know where the library, gym, cafeteria, bathrooms, and key staff offices are located. Practice opening their locker and make sure their combination is stored in a safe but accessible place. 

Visiting the campus before instruction even begins will help you build a better relationship with the school staff, letting them know you are an involved foster parent. It can also reduce some of the child’s fear of the unknown. 

Update medical records or school physicals 

Well before the school year starts, touch base with your caseworker to ensure the child’s medical records are current. This includes vaccinations, medical conditions, allergies, and updated emergency contact details. 

Share this information with the school nurse and teachers to ensure the child’s safety. Most public schools provide free physicals before the start of the school year if needed.  

Discuss expectations with your foster child

Before school begins, talk with your foster child about their expectations and desires for the upcoming school year. Do they want to play a sport? Do they want to try an extracurricular club? Discuss your expectations for homework, test prep, and grades.  

It’s important for the child to feel invested in their education and excited about learning and experiences at school. They should have the same access to school offerings as their peers.  

Be sure to obtain practice schedules, uniform requirements, and details of whatever programs you both agree on and plan accordingly. 

Make back-to-school shopping fun

Who doesn’t love getting new clothes? But many private schools and some public schools have dress requirements. Contact the school to see what their rules and guidelines are. Make sure your child has appropriate clothing but let them pick out a few items. Check with your child’s caseworker about any available clothing vouchers or resources or see if your area has a foster care closet.

Reach out to the child’s school to get a list of required school supplies. Start shopping early to take advantage of back-to-school sales and discounts. Some areas even offer a tax holiday, allowing you to save more on back-to-school expenses. 

If your child is at an appropriate age, make your first shopping experience a scavenger hunt! 

You can also explore local community programs or charities that provide free school supplies to foster children. Conduct an internet search for “free backpack giveaways” or “free back to school supplies” to see if any local organizations or businesses have scheduled a giveaway in your area. 

Check in with your foster care support group for a list of local resources. Here are typical back-to-school shopping lists for all age groups. 

Create a schedule and establish a routine before school starts

All kids benefit from structure and routine. Create a consistent morning and evening routine including regular meals, homework, play times, and bedtime. Start this a few weeks before school starts to ensure your child gets into the habit. 

This helps the child feel more secure and allows them to manage their time effectively.

Post a visual schedule or calendar in the child’s room to help them understand and follow the daily routine. Use color-coded blocks or stickers to mark important events, such as test days, end-of-marking periods, extracurricular activities, and appointments.

Implement a few time-saving and stress-reducing hacks: 

  1. Set up a school lunch station that stores all bagged snacks, brown paper bags (or reusable lunch bags), and water bottles together. 
  2. Pick out a week’s worth of outfits at a time to make mornings less stressful.
  3. Have a folder in your child’s backpack where all school-related papers and schedules go for easy access. Have them return it to a visible place after each school day to check for updates or sign paperwork as needed. 
  4. Update your calendar with important school year calendar dates at the beginning of the year. Set reminders to update it every month with test dates. 

With a little planning, foster families can ensure a smooth transition into the school year for children in foster care. Communicate openly and honestly with your foster child throughout the school year. Create a safe space for them to share concerns and help them with stress management. Listen attentively and provide reassurance and support.

Your support and guidance are vital in helping the child thrive academically and emotionally.

Click on the image below to for downloadable school supply lists


Foster Parenting with Cayuga Centers

You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect foster parent. Your unique background, knowledge, and skills might be exactly what a child needs. All you really need is an open heart and mind, and the willingness to give a short or longer-term home to a child who deserves a better future. Right now, there is a high number of children and youth who need a stable home in order to lead a healthy life.

Seeking diverse homes in Upstate New York, New York City, Pittsburgh, Delaware, and South Florida.

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