We wish we could say that we are shocked that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges. It is a condemning comment on the state of our society when we are no longer surprised the moment injustices such as this one happen with no actual repercussions.
To establish true equity in our country, not only do individuals need to examine the biases and privileges that hold them at a lower standard than marginalized Americans. We also need to be honest about the institutional and systemic racism that is so deeply seeded in the way our nation marginalizes people based on race, gender identity, and socioeconomic status.
Once more, we see this convergence of individual hate and societal racism resulting in murder. As shown by this judge and this verdict, too often our criminal justice system and our courts seem to bless the violent killings of people who stand for racial equity.
We thank all of you who are working to create a world where our children will not be killed because of the rampant hate and fear which is at the root of Rittenhouse’s murderous actions and our society’s exoneration of him.
Thank you,
Edward Myers Hayes President and CEO