Summary of
Client’s Rights
Cayuga Centers recognizes and strives to protect the basic human and civil rights of its clients. In addition, all Cayuga Centers clients have the right to be treated with courtesy and respect for their individuality and dignity. Cayuga Centers does not exclude anyone from its programs, and has zero tolerance for discrimination or harassment against its clients, based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, social status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, developmental disability or other handicap, or health status, including genetic information and HIV status. All Cayuga Centers employees have the duty to serve our clients while upholding these rights.
✓ Cayuga Centers’ Summary of Client’s Rights will be posted in the reception areas of all Cayuga Centers’ offices.
✓ When a client initiates services with Cayuga Centers, staff members will review and verbally explain the Summary of Client’s Rights to the individual and their family or legal guardians. The individual and/or their legal guardian will have the opportunity to sign this document before a witness and will receive a copy of it.
✓ For clients with special needs or whose native language is not English, Cayuga Centers’ staff will explain the Summary of Client’s Rights in a manner or language that the individual can understand. Clients with special needs will receive a Rights in Everyday Language document, which explains the Summary of Client’s Rights using pictures in addition to words. Clients whose native language is not English may receive a copy of the Summary of Client’s Rights translated into their native tongue.
Cayuga Centers Client’s Responsibilities
All clients, residents, and families/caregivers working with Cayuga Centers share the following responsibilities:
- To be aware of the rights of other clients as well as Cayuga Centers staff members.
- To respect the confidentiality of other clients.
- To communicate your needs openly and honestly with your case workers.
- To discuss changes in condition and treatment plans with your case workers.
- To discuss and clarify diagnosis and treatment with clinical and medical staff.
- To work together with Cayuga Centers staff to improve the effectiveness of treatment.
- To provide feedback on services and or care in the form of suggestions, compliments or complaints.
- To keep all scheduled appointments with Cayuga Centers staff or to inform staff in advance if you are unable to keep the appointment.
- To work on your service goals as agreed upon in your Individual Service Plan.
- To provide staff with accurate and complete information as it pertains to your treatment and care at Cayuga Centers.
- To treat all other clients and Cayuga Centers staff members with respect.
- To adhere to the Cayuga Centers rules prohibiting smoking, drug use, and weapons on Cayuga Centers’ premises.