Caring for Children and Families

Every child deserves a family.
We strive to keep families united, strengthen their bonds, reunite those separated, and provide loving short-term foster homes.

Become a Foster Parent

Their stay might be temporary, but your impact on foster youth is forever.

Cayuga Corner Blog

Subscribe to our Award Winning blog. Hear incredible stories from our foster parents, get advice and support on foster parenting, and stay up to date on child welfare topics.

Browse Our Annual Report

2023 – 2024 Annual Report “Touching Lives”

Muse Creative Awards 2023 Silver Winner

Best Agency Awards – Best Non Profit Campaign

Home and Community-Based Treatment and Support (HCBTS)

Foster Care


Unaccompanied Children Services


Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability Supports


For over 170 years, we have been there for children and families

About us

Children need families, and families sometimes need support.

Cayuga Centers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring children have a safe, loving home.

We work to keep families together, and unite those who have been divided. 

That might mean a temporary foster stay while problems at home are resolved. In the case of unaccompanied migrant children, it means providing a foster home during the process of identifying a parent or sponsor, and doing everything possible to ensure a speedy and safe return.

We also provide medical and psychological support, advocacy, learning and cultural enrichment.

We’ve come a long way since our founding as a home for destitute children in 1852. But we’ve never lost sight of our mission: to help children and families, whatever their circumstances.


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Become a Foster Parent

Opening up your home – and your heart – to a child in need can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. Foster parents come from all backgrounds and all walks of life. And when fostering through Cayuga Centers, you can be sure of 24/7 guidance and support. We’re on your team.

Join Us!

Make a difference in your community through employment at Cayuga Centers! We are a growing organization with multiple opportunities throughout the U.S. in program roles and administrative roles.

We are an equal opportunity employer (EOE)